Store Store 0 Select Category AFS Fellows AFS Sections Back Issues of JAF Exhibits/Advertising at the Annual Meeting Sponsorships and Support Search Results: 43 Support AFS Students and Early Career $25.00 International Sponsorship $75.00 Support AFS Prizes and Stipends $25.00 Support AFS Graduate Fieldwork Grant $25.00 Fund to Honor the Legacy of Leonard Norman Primiano $10.00 African American Folklore Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Archives and Libraries Section Dues/Contributions $10.00 - $20.00 Chicano and Chicana Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Children's Folklore Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Creative Writing and Storytelling Section Dues/Contribution $5.00 - $10.00 Dance and Movement Analysis Section Dues/Contribution $5.00 - $10.00 Folk Arts and Material Culture Section Dues/Contributions $2.50 - $5.00 Folk Belief and Religious Folklife Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Folk Narrative Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Folklore and Education Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Folklore and Literature Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Folklore Latino, Latinoamericano, y Caribeño Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Foodways Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Graduate Student and Young Professional Section Dues/Contributions $2.50 - $5.00 History and Folklore Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Independent Folklorists' Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Section Dues/Contributions $12.50 - $25.00 LGBTQIA+ Section Dues/Contributions $5.00 - $10.00 Mediterranean Studies Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Music and Song Section Dues/Contributions $2.50 - $5.00 New Directions in Folkore Section Dues/Contributions $2.50 - $5.00 Nordic-Baltic Folklore Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Politics, Folklore, and Social Justice Section Dues/Contributions $2.50 - $5.00 Public Programs Section Dues/Contributions $10.00 - $20.00 Women's Section Dues/Contributions $7.50 - $15.00 Fellows Dues $30.00 - $60.00 Annual dues for those who have been elected to the AFS Fellows Fellows Donations $25.00 - $500.00 Exhibit Room Space $300.00 - $600.00 Informational Display $200.00 Half table or pop-up banner space Print Ad in the Notebook (Black & White) $450.00 - $1,100.00 Print Ad in the Print Program (Black & White) $450.00 - $750.00 Sponsor a Specialty Item: Tote Bag or similar product $3,500.00 Sponsor a Specialty Item: Lanyard $2,800.00 Inserts $300.00 Support a Plenary Session $500.00 Support a Scheduled Panel or Event $200.00 Back Issue of JAF (member discount) $15.00 Back issue of JAF, the Journal of American Folklore Back Issue of JAF (non-member price) $25.00 Back issue of JAF, the Journal of American Folklore Added to cart × Powered By GrowthZone